Liza Andrews

Credentials: Liza Andrews is the founder of PictureCure and the creator of Reinvention Photography. With over twenty years of experience in branding, training programs, and professional photography, she combined her unique set of skills to create The Reinvention Studio — a place where people fall in love with themselves.

In Europe, South America and the U.S, Liza has been teaching clients how to use photography to boost their self-esteem, become more photogenic and achieve personal goals, such as weight loss, health improvement, getting over Illness, divorce and redefining their personal style.

She has appeared on Globo TV and Bold TV in NYC as an industry expert.




BOOK: Liza’s book, You Beyond the Mirror, on the power of Reinvention Photography is in the process of being published.

VOLUNTARY WORK: Having used Reinvention Photography on herself to recover from illness and to fight bias in the workplace, Liza offers pro bono inspirational speeches for cancer survivors to help them recover self-esteem and reintegrate their social and professional lives. A skillful photographer specializing in portraiture, fashion and fine art, Liza also shoots portfolios for students of design and young models.