1- How to Become Photogenic
This skill can be learned via group class (an introductory level), or faster and more efficiently, during a one-on-one program. The audience is anyone wanting to look good on camera; all ages, ethnicities, and genres: individuals preparing for a special occasion (wedding, anniversary, photoshoots); people wanting to go back to dating; professionals; social media lovers and inexperienced actors and models, to name a few.
2- How to Become Videogenic
Since the COVID-19 pandemic started, this skill became essential and several individuals learning “How to Become Photogenic” add the “videogenic” segment to their package. The audience is anyone who needs or wants to look good on video, for professional reasons, social media, or other purposes. Mostly professionals who work remotely or have to deal with clients or deliver presentations online. Some just want to feel less uncomfortable during meetings and presentations. Others are salespeople who believe they are losing businesses not being as charismatic on video as they are face-to-face.
3- How to Decrease Stage Fright, Practice for Presentations and Job Interviews
The audience here is mostly professionals, but can also be anyone preparing for TED talks or private events. Even a toast during a wedding.
I’ve been doing this training in companies, helping professionals who need to speak in public or deliver presentations (on a real stage or meetings), and need to gain confidence and improve body language.
Also very efficient in other tense situations like job interviews or media appearances.
4- Executive Presence
This consulting program was designed for professionals. It may be combined with #3. Some people are not nervous when they speak in public, but they don't act or look like a leader. Long before the phrase "executive presence" was fashionable, I was teaching such professionals who master their area of expertise, but "don't look the part" how to increase their chances of being promoted and/or representing their companies in events with clients by improving body language, personal style, and communication skills.
5- The Reinvention Studio
This training is a segment of video/photography therapy. It involves image and self-esteem and can help either regular individuals who simply want to look better and try new style options; or people with deeper psychological issues involving their appearance or body language.
This method was created over ten years ago, during a period that I was ill myself and suffered several physical changes. I turned my recovery into a two-year scientific study and then, volunteered to coach cancer survivors who helped me refine my methodology. Since then, I have worked with people whose physical changes/issues affect their self-esteem: recovering from illness or accidents; aging; weight problems; body dysmorphia, and depression. This is a very scientific, step-by-step recovery and reinvention method. It aligns with the Dove campaign about self-esteem and "love yourself as you are"; only my parallel with Dove is that my method shows ways for people to try to improve all they can about their bodies first, and then, accept what can not be changed.